April 9th, 9AM + 11AM

Easter 2023 Invitation!


Easter is the time that we celebrate a tremendous event that has forever shaped the history of the world. Jesus, resurrected from the grave and conquered death! The resurrection means that our sins are paid for, and Christ’s love is forever with us. Join us as we reflect, sing, and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and learn how this moment in history has bearing on us today and gives us an everlasting hope!

Come celebrate the LORD with us!


Where: Calvary Chapel St. Petersburg or online at calvarystp.org/live. (8900 US-19 Pinellas Park, FL, 33782)

When: Sunday, April 9th, 2023 at 9am and 11am.

How long is the service? The service is scheduled to be approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.

How early can I arrive? Our doors will open at 8am for fellowship, pastries and coffee before the service begins.

Will there be food? There will be free coffee and pastries at our cafe before and after services.

Are kids allowed in the service? Childcare is available through our Children’s Ministry, Calvary Kids. Our Family Room is available for everyone and children six years old and above are welcome into the Main Auditorium.

Contact & More Info: calvarystp.org/easter, office@calvarystp.org, 727-577-7705

From Easter 2022